Horoscopes for an Extraordinary Year
Turn to the stars to find out how you can make 2022 your most exceptional year yet.
March 21 to April 19
This New Year is all about starting fresh, hatching new plans, and getting them off the ground. All the pausing, waiting, and hanging in the balance you experienced over the last year and a half will finally come to an end in 2022. Get excited! You can say goodbye to any stale energy you’ve had to contend with. In its place, make room for fresh collaborations, projects, and new ways to express your creativity. Before getting ahead of yourself and doing all the things in one fell swoop, take the lessons of patience, gratitude, and self-reflection that the pandemic has taught you. This’ll keep you from burning out and keeping your energy tempered over the next 12 months.
April 20 to May 21
You may have run up against a couple of walls in the last couple of months. Even if you’re usually comfortable hanging around the same situation, same place, or same state for extended periods of time, you may have felt your patience wearing thin. 2022 is the year you are finally able to move the needle. You can finally do something substantial about the loose strings that have been left untied for way too long. Progress! One way to get things done and to reach resolutions you’ve long been working towards is to commit to ridding yourself of old habits that have been counterproductive and have held you back. Let your word of the year be forward. It may seem unlike you at first, but you’ll get into the groove soon enough.
May 21 to June 21
Your head’s been in the clouds for a while now, with you dipping your toes in new interests, the promise of experimental collaborations, and sparkly, new relationships. The last year has afforded you enough time to explore things without getting too serious or weighed down. The New Year gives you the opportunity to take one—or two, if you really can’t choose—of those interests a little more seriously. The time for coming up with ideas, testing things out, and scratching the surface of new endeavors is over. Let 2022 be the year you make way for dedication, hardcore planning, and shoring up enough patience to see things through. Extraordinary things can unravel when we spend more time on process! See where things go.
June 21 to July 22
Relationships take center stage for you this coming year—great news for folks whose sign is known for its empathy, compassion, and ability to care for others. You may play a pivotal role in getting tough emotional drama sorted, something that may be good for your ego too since you love feeling needed. Make it a point to take good care of your own emotional well-being though! Try not to spread yourself too thin by only catering to others’ issues and problems. This year, work on being your own best friend and relying on a sweet, solid emotional support group to get you through any hitches. Not everyone is as in touch with their emotions as you are—consider your ability to connect with others as your superpower. Have fun letting your intuition lead.
July 22 to August 22
The last year and a half has seen you go through a big shift—you’ve had a lot of time to seriously think about what you want to do and how you want to present yourself to the world. With everyone subjected to lockdowns, you could say you’ve had a captive audience—loyal folks who have supported you through your evolution. With 2022 comes an outward expansion of this self-development / self-improvement / major makeover energy! People in your circle and beyond look up to you for inspo. Don’t take your influence for granted—there’s a lot your words, actions, and social media feeds can do to instigate real world change. You’ve managed to hook people in. Think about using your platform to affect the whole collective.
August 22 to September 22
You’ve done quite a bit of work reconstructing your budget and reconfiguring your lifestyle to adjust to how much money you’re bringing in. It’s been a tough couple of months keeping your head above water! Try to loosen that grip on your finances just a little bit this 2022. Give yourself a chance to catch your breath and maybe enjoy some of that hard-earned rainy-day cash you’ve been saving. Lightening up may be hard work for you (oh, the irony!), but let that be your big assignment this year. It’s time to surrender the idea that you need permission to feel good or to know that you deserve all the good stuff… no matter how temporary your retail therapy dopamine hits can be. Ready, set, add to cart!
September 22 to October 22
One of 2022’s big themes is coming together (cue: The Beatles) and no one’s better at reconciling opposing sides, finding a happy medium, and practicing the art of negotiation than you. There’s no need to shy away from giving your opinion and providing some input—a lot of people would feel privileged to get your hot take on a lot of things. If you’ve been grappling with any loose ends, conflicting feelings, and big choices, know that this is your year to hunker down and finally—as the Beatles say—work it out. Stop downplaying your ability to find symmetry where others only see mess and chaos. This is an incredible skill that you can bank on to make this New Year extra special for you. You see beauty in the little things. That’s huge!
October 22 to November 21
If you feel like you’ve had a dark cloud hovering above you over the last year, you can breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to brighter skies this 2022. The stars only ask that you put a tad more effort into making your work life a little more joyful, fun, and uplifting—show up every morning with a smile, even if it feels a little bit forced sometimes. 2022 isn’t about having your dream career or ditching less-than-perfect work situations (but one can dream!)—it’s about developing a skill that’ll be super useful no matter what the Universe brings to the table. This year is pivotal because it’ll teach you to smile, even when you’re not 100% happy or fulfilled by your day to day. Feel all the feels but couple them with a healthy dose of perspective.
November 21 to December 21
You’re so used to thinking ahead, making plans, and going beyond your comfort zone—it’s in your nature to color outside the lines and pursue whatever’s bigger, brighter, and bolder. 2022 asks you to take a brief U-turn from your forward thinking and outward explorations. It’s time to turn inwards and get busy getting to know who you are right here, right now. You may feel like you don’t have a lot of time to indulge in introspective activities. But when life becomes super busy is exactly when you’ve got to hit the pause button to look inward. Do whatever works for you—journal, pull some tarot cards for yourself, mind map, vision board, or sit quietly with a cup of tea. Getting to know yourself now will set the stage for your next big adventure.
December 21 to January 20
You may be comfortable looking at your relationships through a stratified and organized lens—and why not? It can be helpful to put friends, family, and coworkers into different boxes that fit neatly into your life, projects, and timetables. But! 2022 challenges you to bust out of this (sometimes) limiting viewpoint. Learn to interact with people in your life more organically. Give yourself room to enjoy your relationships, in whatever capacity, and to open yourself up to vulnerability. Your heart deserves an infusion of energy, fun, and enjoyment—something that can come from you, subtly shifting the way you connect with others. The bonus? This growth in your social and emotional life can be a precursor to so much abundance.
January 20 to February 18
You’ve been cooling your feet for way too long, Aquarius! It’s time to put all that pent-up energy you’ve been accumulating into action this year. Your inner rebel is primed to steal the spotlight in 2022. All those off-the-cuff ideas you’ve had about how to run the world, make impactful change, and pursue meaningful projects can take shape over the next couple of months. It’s time to bring your brainstorming power into the world stage and see what magic you can manifest. It’s been a while since you’ve felt like people actually “got” you—you’ve always been a step ahead of everyone else. This year, the world will be catching on to your point of view. Ask yourself this: what would I do if I knew my ideas would come true?
February 19 to March 20
Not to get all your hopes up, but 2022 has incredible potential to be your year! You’ve always been ahead of your time—not a lot of people understand the way you see the world, run your life, or go on creative leaps. Well, this year, everyone will be sitting up and paying attention to what you do and what you create. You have an infectious energy that is inspiring, motivational, and groundbreaking—something that’ll move others to live more visionary lives too. Don’t be afraid to think big. If you feel like you’ve been constraining yourself over the last year because of too many restrictions, rules, and boundaries; know that you have permission to live on a grander scale this time around. Release your inhibitions and let your dreams take flight.